Andrea Flores Mendez

MSc Sport Nutrition


Andrea Flores Mendez

After I got my bachelor’s degree in nutrition, I knew I wanted to focus on my consultancy services and work in sport nutrition and I wanted to do it with the right credentials and knowledge. My Masters degree at Stirling has been one of the best experiences, I chose Stirling because the course is specifically designed for IOC graduates, and I wanted an international experience at a recognised university.  I particularly loved the on-campus sport facilities, the town and the people I met as well as the course itself. 

In a short time, I have learned a lot. The use of the on-campus laboratory has given me great insights into the fun and complex world of scientific research and being able to focus the research on what I wanted to do was great.  The course developed my knowledge of the world of scientific research, it allowed me to meet leading experts in the field and I gained a lot of experience and confidence. 

Studying at Stirling allowed me to grow not only from an academic aspect, but also in a professional and personal way. I also always felt supported and guided by my supervisors throughout my studies. 

Since graduating, I have my private practice where I work mainly with endurance athletes on their nutrition and I’m also working with UAE Team Emirates as the nutritionist for their development team (cycling U23 team).