Lauren Grace Mitchell

BAcc (Hons) Accountancy and Economics



What first attracted you to choose the University of Stirling to study your course?
The ability to have a joint degree which meant no dissertation. Also the campus feel and location; it is far enough from home to move away, but close enough that I could go home at the weekend. 

What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?
There is a willingness from the teaching staff to help with anything, and the careers centre is very engaging and helpful. The degree flexibility meant that I could choose to change course. I also made lots of international friends. 

What specific feature(s) did you like the most about the course?
The guest lecturers and class size were excellent, and it appealed to me that there was no dissertation required for the joint honours Accountancy degree. 

What advice would you give to prospective students considering coming to Stirling?
Get involved in everything, from the societies to becoming a class rep. Also make use of the great library facilities. 

What impact do you think your studies will have on your future career?
The BAcc course has given me the theoretical basis for what I will apply in the workplace.

Overall, I would not have the friends, memories and opportunities I now have if I had chosen to study elsewhere.