Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

We’re the premier research-intensive education provider for nurses, midwives, health and sports professionals in Scotland.

We're dedicated to transforming lives by improving the health and wellbeing of individuals, patients, carers and communities.

We offer innovative, award-winning BSc, BA and postgraduate courses in nursing, health science, sport, exercise science, psychology and coaching. We tackle global issues with our world-leading research.

Study at the University of Stirling and discover how our degrees will prepare you to be the difference and transform lives.

Meet Jessica Piasecki: the Olympian and researcher putting a focus on female physiology

Meet Jessica Piasecki: the Olympian and researcher putting a focus on female physiology

Originally from Manchester, Jessica Piasecki was a talented hockey player before emerging as a cross-country star and representing her country for the first time in the sport at the age of 16.

Stirling student’s historic discovery at Bannockburn House “confirms” Bonnie Prince Charlie assassination attempt

Stirling student’s historic discovery at Bannockburn House “confirms” Bonnie Prince Charlie assassination attempt

A University of Stirling PhD student has made a fascinating discovery that appears to confirm a previously unevidenced assassination attempt on Bonnie Prince Charlie.