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Our events

Detailed below are some of our previous and upcoming events.

Previous events


Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Communities, families, resilience and resistance

The Centre for Child Wellbeing & Protection held a three day conference at the University of Stirling 5-7 September 2019.

In the wake of the global financial crisis (2007/8) and subsequent recession, the last decade has seen services for children and young people who experience mental health and wellbeing difficulties placed under increasing strain. At the same, socioeconomic crisis and associated family and community stress has placed additional demands on children and young people’s ability to cope. We have seen a significant rise in the identification of children and young people’s mental health difficulties, and a surge in demand for services. The pressure to restructure services and support has also triggered many innovative models of practice, and a renewed interest in ways of understanding and supporting resilience.

This three day conference focused broadly on children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health. It offered a space in which we can consider how we might understand to children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, and how services might respond to these challenges.


On the move: children and family's communication and wellbeing

On the move: children and family's communication and wellbeing. The Centre for Child Wellbeing & Protection held a one day seminar to bring together practitioners, policy makers, service users, carers and researchers from multiple disciplines to discuss issues of communication and wellbeing for migrant families.

On the move seminar



Permanently Progressing? - Building secure futures for children in Scotland. The University of Stirling hosted an exciting one day event presenting key finding from the first phase of the study.


The Rose Project Launch: Best for Babies We were delighted to welcome Dame Elish Angiolini and Tam Baillie in May to the launch of the report we produced in collaboration with Aberlour considering the intersect between a baby’s best interests and the custodial options for women in Scotland.

Hear the day’s presentations here and read the reporter



Over 150 delegates from all sectors, including academics, policy makers and the third sector, attended the official launch of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection that took place on March 2016.

Shifting the Curve

In a very well attended seminar in May Naomi Eisentadt, Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality for the Scottish Government, considered the recommendations she made in her report to the government to further tackle poverty in Scotland and how the third sector can work more effectively with statutory agencies to implement these recommendations. This event was organised in partnership with Circle

A Kinship Care Practice Framework: Building knowledge for practice 

We were delighted to welcome Professor Marie Connolly, Chair and Head of Social Work at the University of Melbourne, in June for an informal seminar where she told us more about the development of a kinship care practice framework.

Named Person Seminar 

This seminar brought together practitioners and researchers to consider the implementation of the Named Person role. Harla Sara Octarra, PhD research in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh shared some of her research findings on the implementation of the Named Person in one Scottish local authority; and Lara Neri, Lead Officer (GIRFEC – Education) at East Lothian, talked about East Lothian’s journey to implement GIRFEC into practice.

Poverty and children: creating creative spaces for children’s participation and agency 

Joan Forbes, CCWP’s Honorary Professor, and Elspeth McCartney, Strathclyde University, reflected on the learning from a seminar series, funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute, that explored children and young people’s experiences of poverty and disadvantage in Scotland.