Gender equality

Equal Pay Statement

At the University of Stirling, we believe that staff should receive equal pay for work of the same or equivalent value, irrespective of gender or any other protected characteristic defined in the Equality Act 2010.

University Approach to Equal Pay

The University operates a transparent pay structure which is underpinned by an objective job evaluation scheme that assesses, systematically, the relative requirements of various roles across the University.  Additionally, work has been undertaken to harmonise terms and conditions across different contract types, and to ensure that all aspects of the University reward systems are transparent.

Partnership working with recognised trade unions has informed the development and implementation of all processes, procedures and practices.  The University Equality Impact Assessment approach has enabled the identification of any potentially discriminative impact and associated actions. 

The University’s objectives in relation to equal pay are:

  1. to eliminate any unfair, unjust or unlawful practices that impact on pay; 
  2. to take appropriate action to address any unwarranted discrepancies that are discovered.


To ensure that these objectives are met the University has established the following practices.

  • Regular undertaking of gender pay reviews and associated action plans to inform leadership approaches and decision-making.
  • Ongoing monitoring and review of pay and reward practices, with focus on fairness and transparency.
  • Undertaking of Equality Impact Assessment on all pay and reward policy and practice developments.
  • Provision of training and guidance for those staff directly involved in decision-making related to pay and reward including recruitment, retention and job evaluation.
  • Consultation with recognised trade unions and other staff representative groups.
  • Transparency and visibility of pay and reward policy and practice.

Gender-Based Violence Strategy

The University and Students’ Union launched our first joint Preventing and Tackling Sexual Violence and Misconduct Strategy in 2017. The strategy committed the University and Students’ Union to take all steps within our power to prevent, tackle and respond appropriately and supportively to incidents of sexual violence - in all its forms - that may affect our students, staff and those who use our facilities and services.

The University is now building on this work, paying regard to research, guidance and developments in the external environment. University Court approved our revised Gender Based Violence Strategy 2021-24 in June 2021.  In line with the aims and definitions of the Scottish Government’s Equally Safe Strategy, the scope has been broadened to explicitly cover all forms of Gender-Based Violence as well as sexual violence. The strategy covers students and staff.

Information on a range of services and additional support is available here.

Gender Action Plan

The University of Stirling published its Gender Action Plan on 14 July 2017, in line with guidance from the Scottish Funding Council.

The Action Plan sets out the institutions commitment to equality and diversity and a range of actions being undertaken to support the gender equality objectives.


Encouraging and recognising commitment to advancing gender equality

The Athena Swan charter is a national initiative developed by the Equality Challenge Unit in 2005 (now part of Advance HE). Athena Swan recognises and promotes good practice in gender equality. Athena Swan originally covered STEMM subjects only (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine). In May 2015, the University of Stirling signed up to the expanded charter, which now includes Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law. The expanded charter also recognises work undertaken with regards to professional and support roles, trans staff and students.

The University of Stirling has been a charter member since 2011. In 2024, we were awarded an institutional Athena Silver Award, building on our work in 2017 when we were awarded the institutional Athena Swan Bronze Award. The award follows a rigorous examination of equality and diversity information relating to our academic activities and the creation of a robust action plan with clear accountability to promote gender equality.

The Institutional Athena Swan Group (IASG) is responsible for the institutional Athena Swan submission and action plan. The panel is comprised of academic and administrative staff and is Chaired by Jill Stevenson, Dean for Equality, Inclusion and Diversity. Progress against the Athena Swan institutional action plan is reported to the Equality Steering Group.

Key progress to date

  • Development and delivery of Stepping Stones, a two-day personal and professional development programme for female staff
  • Training delivered for female and male staff on the academic promotions process
  • Key staff trained in unconscious bias
  • Establishment of Stirling Women – the University’s gender equality forum

All of our STEMM, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law divisions and Faculties and are working towards Departmental Athena Swan awards. The submission for each group is being developed by a panel of academic and support staff. The panels are supported by colleagues in Policy and Planning and the IASG. There are regular opportunities for sharing best practice between the groups and with the IASG.

We currently hold four divisional and faculty Athena Swan awards: 

Contact us

If you want to find out more about our application, please contact us at