
The Privacy Notice for Enquirers should be read in conjunction with the overall Privacy Notice.

This section relates to individuals who are contacting the University to make an enquiry, particularly those who are prospective applicants or students.

Sources of Data

The personal data the University holds about you may be obtained from a number of sources, including the following:

  • Information you have provided when making direct enquiries to the University e.g. by completing a web form, emailing or telephoning the University.
  • Information you have provided at recruitment events such as open days or school visits.
  • Information you have provided to partner organisations such as other higher education institutions acting in collaboration with the University of Stirling at recruitment events.
  • Information you have provided to online third-party providers such as Keystone and Findamasters.
  • Information provided by you on our microsite hosted in China.

What Personal Data we process about you

The information we hold about you will consist of your contact details and other information relevant to your enquiry such as the programmes that you are interested in.

Occasionally we may hold special categories of personal data where you provide us with such data for a specific purpose and allow us to store that information. For example, information about a disability may be disclosed for the purposes of ensuring that access requirements are met when attending an event or to enquire about putting reasonable adjustments in place during your proposed study.

Purposes of Processing and Legal Basis

The University will use your personal information to ensure we can respond appropriately to your enquiry and provide you with any requested information.

The University has official authority based on its Charter which means it is in the public interest to manage enquiries, particularly those from prospective students, therefore the legal basis for managing enquiries is under Article 6(1)(e) of UK GDPR.

Provided you have consented at the point of us collecting your personal data/submitting the enquiry web form, we may use your personal data to communicate to you relevant marketing information about the University and the University’s goods and services by mail, email, SMS or telephone. This may include information on:

  • University publications;
  • information about a course you may be interested in applying for;
  • information about a course you have applied for;
  • information about research you may be interested in;
  • promotion of University services;
  • notification of events such as Open Days or Applicant Days;
  • promotion of discounts and scholarships;
  • alumni information.

If you no longer wish to receive marketing information, please email study.stirling@stir.ac.uk. You will also be given the opportunity to opt out of receiving marketing information on each piece of marketing information we send to you.

Sharing your personal data with other bodies

The University will not sell or otherwise transfer your personal data to any third parties except in the following circumstances:

  • We may share your personal data with our partners at QS Enrolment Solutions Ltd and our joint venture partners, INTO University of Stirling if necessary for student recruitment purposes.
  • Where you have signed up for an event or requested services that are provided by a third party, we may need to share your details with the third parties concerned in order to provide the services requested.
  • We use service providers to store and in some cases process personal data on our behalf (for instance Mailchimp used for communication purposes).  This is done in accordance with data protection legislation and where necessary consent will be sought.
  • If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the University, our students, or others. This includes exchanging information with third parties for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

Depending on your enquiry it may be possible that we will have to transfer some personal information to overseas partners, for instance if you are enquiring about study abroad, exchange opportunities or studying with an overseas partner organisation. Also, the University uses some Cloud-based facilities to store and process information. In these cases, personal data may be transferred to a recipient outside of the UK and/or the European Economic Area and located within a country that may not be viewed as having adequate data protection laws by the European Commission. All international transfers will be in accordance with applicable data protection laws including UK GDPR. We will make sure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your information and your rights under privacy law and apply the same high standards of privacy and security wherever we process your data.

Retention of your personal data

We will normally keep your information relating to enquiries for two years. If you subsequently become an applicant or student, your personal information will be kept in accordance with the retention policies for applicants and students.

Contact details relating to enquiry data

If you want further information about how your personal information is used in relation to your enquiry or would like to request to correct, restrict or erase personal details you should contact study.stirling@stir.ac.uk or telephone 01786 466019.