Big Games Nights

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(Each event will run from 17:30 to 19:30.)
Campus Central Level 3Booking requiredFree
Image: Big Games Nights

As part of the university's BeConnected programme (free community building activities for students and staff) we've lined up two big games nights this semester for you to come along and enjoy!

Delivered in partnership with Common Ground Games, each event will open from 17:30 giving you a couple of hours of playing time. There will be several games to choose from as a group, in a relaxed environment, so feel free to sign up with friends/colleagues, or come along as an individual, and we'll match you on the night with other people.

We'll also pop some free tasty nibbles on to keep you going so, if this sounds up your street, simply book your preferred date(s) via the link and we will send out a further email nearer the time to confirm final details.

Please ensure you bring your QR code for check-in as these are ticketed events. 


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