Research news

Latest stories from the University of Stirling

Football club’s performance can influence students’ choice of university, research finds

Students can be swayed by the performance of English Premier League football clubs when choosing a university, according to new research.

football pitch with spectators on stands

Scotland’s most vulnerable children taking years to be placed in permanent homes

Scotland’s care system is taking years to find many of the country's most vulnerable children permanent homes – and too many of them have no contact with their siblings, according to new research.

row of children's shoes

Stirling academic joins political thinkers to debate Scottish independence

University of Stirling lecturer Dr Tom Montgomery is among some of Scotland’s top political thinkers who will take part in a conference this month on Scottish independence.

Scotland flag with blue sky

Meet Jessica Piasecki: the Olympian and researcher putting a focus on female physiology

Originally from Manchester, Jessica Piasecki was a talented hockey player before emerging as a cross-country star and representing her country for the first time in the sport at the age of 16.

Athlete and academic Dr Jess Piasecki

Skin cell discovery could help Atlantic salmon fend off sea lice

Skin cell discovery could help Atlantic salmon fend off sea lice


University of Stirling appoints two new Deputy Principals

The University of Stirling has appointed two new Deputy Principals

University of Stirling campus

Study of cancer patients finds need for mental health support

A study of cancer patients has found a need for mental health support


Stirling researchers to study how babies use sense of smell to successfully breastfeed

Psychologists at the University of Stirling are to study how newborn babies use their sense of smell to successfully breastfeed in a new project that could improve breastfeeding rates worldwide.


Improved conditions needed if Scotland is to achieve a more circular economy, research finds

Systemic changes are needed if Scotland’s businesses are to accelerate the growth of circularity in Scotland, says new research.

man holding bag

University of Stirling encourages ‘homes for life’ as it hosts Scottish Housing Day

University of Stirling encourages ‘homes for life’ as it hosts Scottish Housing Day 2024.

older man and woman outside home

Online archives provide ‘family albums’ for children in care

Researchers at the University of Stirling have come up with a way to preserve the childhood memories of people in care – through accessible online archives.

person's hands looking at photos

Stirling in global top 100 for contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Stirling in global top 100 for contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

University of Stirling campus

Research explores measures to reduce alcohol harms without impacting pubs and restaurants

Higher prices in shops and tighter restrictions on online alcohol sales could help to reduce rising alcohol harms whilst minimising impact on hospitality businesses, according to a new study.

Beer taps in a pub

Silicon Valley isn’t the start-up utopia we thought, research finds

The highly regarded hub of technology and innovation can breed inequality and sameness among budding entrepreneurs, finds new research.

people looking at financial statement

Lesbian, gay and bisexual population face housing inequalities, study finds

Britain's lesbian, gay and bisexual population experience inequalities in accessing housing, according to a study led by the University of Stirling.

for sale and to let signs on street

Water quality data buoy to be floated at Gartmorn Dam

Water quality data buoy to be floated at Gartmorn Dam

Data buoy

Cash incentives drive weight loss in men

A major UK study led by health experts at the University of Stirling has found that offering financial incentives is effective in helping men to lose weight.

A man's feet standing on scales

Stirling’s AI experts to join multi-million pound project

Artificial intelligence experts at the University of Stirling will play a key role in a project supported by £12m in new funding


University of Stirling joins top 6% after earning prestigious business accreditation

The University of Stirling has earned a prestigious AACSB accreditation, in recognition of its excellence in business education.

An image of the university campus

Study sheds new light on cross-species virus spillovers that can cause pandemics

A study led by the University of Stirling jointly with the University of Wisconsin-Madison has shed new light on cross-species virus spillovers that can cause pandemics.


First study of its kind finds voucher scheme helps new mums to stay smoke-free

A high street voucher scheme has been shown to be helpful in supporting new mothers, who stopped smoking during their pregnancy, to maintain abstinence from smoking in their first year postpartum.

A mother cradles a baby

UK work policies not fit for people living with Long Covid

New research has found current sickness absence and return to work policies in the workplace are unfit for purpose for those living with Long Covid.

Generic image of Covid-19 virus.

Research identifies microorganisms that may be essential to the survival of coral reefs

A study led by a researcher at the University of Stirling has identified microscopic organisms which may be crucial to the survival of coral reefs.

Great Barrier Reef

Study highlights true cost of employment for convenience retailers

Research, published this week by the University of Stirling and the Scottish Grocers’ Federation, has shed light on the impact of rising staff costs on the convenience retail sector in Scotland.

outside of convenience store

Early Career Researcher Network poised for nationwide rollout after successful pilot phase

Following a successful three-year pilot phase, during which almost 4,000 researchers have signed up, the British Academy's Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) is poised for a nationwide rollout over the coming 18 months.

An image of a loch

New study could reduce risk of social isolation for older people with hearing loss

New study could reduce risk of social isolation for older people with hearing loss and lead to more targeted interventions

Older person looks out of window

New project supports children and young people to access the mental health benefits of live music

New research identifies ways more children and young people in Scotland can experience the mental health and wellbeing benefits of live music.

Two violinists perform to a group of young people

Wild fish consumption can balance nutrient retention in farmed fish, research finds

Wild fish consumption can balance nutrient retention in farmed fish, research finds


New research deepens our understanding of pescetarians

University of Stirling research has deepened our understanding of pescetarians

Maja Cullen, Devon Docherty and Dr Carol Jasper

Son of Santos legend hopes racism research will strike impact in Brazil

Donald Silva was born in Mexico, while his father – football star, Abel Veronico – continued his professional playing career. Abel had started his career in Rio, before joining the world-famous Santos Futebol Clube where he played alongside football legend Pelé.

Donald Silva stands on a football pitch holding up a football

Research reveals new insights into marine plastic pollution

University of Stirling research reveals new insights into marine plastic pollution

Plastic waste

Safer consumption and drug checking facilities key to addressing drug harms in Edinburgh, study finds

Safer drug consumption facilities (SDCF) and drug checking could be key to addressing drug harms in the city of Edinburgh, according to University of Stirling experts in substance use.

Edinburgh at night

Schoolgirls at the centre of new University of Stirling study into card game bridge are making history

Three schoolgirls who are part of a new University of Stirling-led research study into the game of bridge are promoting its educational benefits – and making history along the way.

three girls with playing cards

Study sheds new light on behaviour of humans’ closest relatives - chimpanzees

A study by University of Stirling researchers has shed new light on the behaviour of the closest living relatives of humans – chimpanzees.

Chimpanzee eating grapes

University of Stirling to promote better outcomes from water resources for Scottish businesses and communities

A team at the University of Stirling is embarking on an extensive study into how water resources in Scotland promote better outcomes for our economy, society and the environment, in a £5 million partnership project to last three years.

river with monument in background

Study could lead to improved mussel production

Innovative new research by the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture could lead to increased mussel production.

Mussel shell

Largest ever study of autistic people’s research priorities finds need for focus on mental health

Largest ever study of autistic people’s research priorities finds need for focus on mental health

A group having a discussion

Why grey matters for these academic researchers with a difference

Like many older people during the COVID pandemic, they were in search of company and mental stimulation. Then came a chance for this group of retirees to tackle something none of them had tried before – academic research.

older man on beach

Study lays out options for Scotland’s first drug checking services

An extensive study led by the University of Stirling has laid out options and key considerations for Scotland’s first drug checking services.

woman in lab

Study reveals longer term impact of sport-related brain injuries

Almost half of people who suffer a sports-related traumatic brain injury are still experiencing physical symptoms after six months, a new study by the University of Stirling has found.


Deepwater Horizon oil spill study could lead to overhaul of cleanup processes worldwide

The innovative study led by researcher Dr Sabine Matallana-Surget and Dr Wade Jeffrey of the University of West Florida assessed the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on microscopic seawater bacteria that perform a significant role in ecosystem functioning.

Deepwater Horizon

Call for urban developers and land managers to aid healthier cities research

Researchers are calling for urban development and land professionals to take part in a research project to help shape the way places are created for better population health.

two cyclists in city

A Doctoral project supporting academic capacity development in South Africa

The University of Stirling has partnered with four South African universities to enhance academic development and research at the country’s historically disadvantaged universities, including Nelson Mandela’s alma mater.

Group photo of the PhD candidates and staff from the partner universities

New research could disrupt international trafficking of endangered pangolins

New research by the University of Stirling could disrupt the international trafficking of endangered pangolins

White-bellied pangolin

Human decisions and human rights should be at the core of AI regulation, says UN adviser

It’s not quite time for machines to be taking over, according to a University of Stirling expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI), who says a human touch and close oversight is crucial to developing such technologies.

Man using a smartphone.

University of Stirling ranked top 13% in the world for sustainability

The University of Stirling has been ranked in the top 13% by the World University Rankings for Sustainability.

An image of a loch

AI study creates faster and more reliable software

A University of Stirling AI study has created faster and more reliable software using Chat GPT.

A person at a laptop

Abuse of female athletes goes unchecked on mainstream social media sites, study shows

Social media posts that abuse female athletes can remain unmoderated on the official social media accounts of major sports clubs, new research has shown.

women playing football

Be part of the play in unique theatre event coming to Alloa

A unique theatre experience is coming to Alloa where the audience is invited to steer the play.

men and women on stage

Social science fest features theatre, displays and discussions for all ages

The University of Stirling is putting on a host of exciting events – all of them free – to spread the word about social science to the local community in Clackmannanshire.

people in wood