Student terms and conditions 2024/25

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

These terms and conditions apply to prospective students, applicants and students in respect to both undergraduate and postgraduate study, across all modes of delivery. They apply to those who seek to enrol and/or enrol as a student of the University starting in academic year 2024/25, and will apply throughout the duration of the programme of study for which the individual seeks to enrol and/or enrols on in 2024/25. They will also apply to prospective students who apply for admission in advance of the 2024/25 academic year and who defer their entry until academic year 2025/26.


1. To help you, as a prospective student of the University, make an informed decision about what and where to study, before you apply for a place, and throughout the admission and enrolment process, the University will make available to you a range of information through a variety of means, such as prospectuses, open days (subject to Government and University Policy), written materials and the website:

2. By accepting an offer from the University of a place on a programme of study, you are also accepting these terms and conditions in full, which along with your offer and the University's regulations and policies form the contract between you and the University in relation to your studies at the University of Stirling (the “Terms”). Therefore, you must read and understand the Terms prior to accepting your place at the University. If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact the Admissions team: 

Admissions and Access Team
Cottrell Building
University of Stirling
FK9 4LA 
01786 467044

3. Some programmes of study may require you to also agree to the terms and conditions of relevant professional bodies or third-party agencies. Details of any such requirements are set out in the relevant programme documentation. By agreeing to these Terms, you also agree to abide by the terms and conditions of any relevant professional bodies or third-party agencies.

4. Some activities or University provisions such as student accommodation, graduation may require you to also agree to additional terms and conditions. Details of any such terms and conditions are set out during the processes relevant to such activities or provisions.

5. Please print and keep a copy of these Terms for reference. A copy will also be available on an ongoing basis at:


6. All applications for a place on a programme of study at the University are considered and handled in line with the specified Admissions Policy which can be found at: policy.

7. In making an application for admission to the University, it is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is true and accurate.

8. If you provide information within an application for admission to the University that is inaccurate, false or misleading, the University reserves the right to withdraw or amend any offer that it may have made, or terminate your enrolment at the University, according to the circumstances.

9. The University will either make you a conditional or unconditional offer. Conditional offers will set out the conditions you need to satisfy by a particular date in order to be admitted onto the programme.  If you have not satisfied the conditions of your offer, which may include providing supporting evidence, by the date specified in your offer, the University reserves the right to withdraw the offer.

10. Some applicants require a student visa and consequently will require a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from the University. The number of CAS the University is able to issue is dependent on the number of CAS allocated to the University by, and at the discretion of, the Home Office/UKVI. In the event that the University determines (at its sole discretion) that it is unable to issue the Applicant with a CAS due to insufficient CAS numbers being allocated to the University by the UKVI, the University may withdraw the offer. In such circumstances, any tuition fee deposit paid by the applicant would be refunded, in accordance with the Tuition Fee Deposit Refund Guidance and Form.   

11. Stated entry requirements may be varied from time to time where it is reasonably considered by the University to be beneficial and/or necessary to support the effective recruitment and admission of students. However, such changes will not normally be made during an admissions cycle and would therefore not generally affect applicants.

12. In addition to meeting the admissions requirements of the University, it is your responsibility to ensure that any further criteria which are applicable to you as relevant to undertaking a programme of higher education study in the UK and the particular programme of study for which you have applied for admission are met. These criteria may relate to, for example, student immigration or the right to live, study and work in the UK, or to the requirement for you to have adequate facility and opportunity to effectively engage with the delivery of your programme of study, such as in the case of online programmes, for which it is a requirement that you have access to a suitable computer and the internet. The University may require you to provide evidence that you satisfy such criteria.

13. Your admission to the University, and therefore to a programme of study, and the rights that go along with this in relation to the use of University services and facilities, is subject to you enrolling as a student of the University of Stirling. 


14. Enrolment is the administrative act of becoming a student of the University.

15. When you have completed enrolment you will become registered as a student (see also clause 25).

16. In enrolling as a student of the University of Stirling you accept that you will be required to abide by and study under the Ordinances, Statutes, rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the University including: the payment of tuition fees and other charges; the Student Charter; the Academic Integrity policy and Academic Misconduct procedure; and Ordinance 2, the Code of Student Discipline. The University makes its Ordinances, regulations and policies consistently available through its website.

The following links are particularly relevant: 

a.    Ordinances | About | University of Stirling
b.    Academic Regulations | About | University of Stirling
c.    Policy and procedure | About | University of Stirling

Fees and Payments

17. The University charges tuition fees for its programmes and the broader student experience that it provides and you have primary responsibility for payment. Additional fees may also apply in accordance with the Tuition Fees Policy.  This may include fees for a particular activity of a programme of study or any requirement for repeat study or reassessment. 

18. Detailed information on fees and payments will be maintained on the University’s website in the Fees and Finance section and will therefore be available to prospective students, applicants and students.

19. If you require a student visa to study in the UK, in order to secure a place at the University, you will be required to pay a financial deposit. Where a deposit is required you will be advised of this within the admissions process, and specifically at the point the University makes you an offer of a place. If you do not pay the deposit monies in accordance with the payment terms advised in your offer letter, your application may be withdrawn without further notice.

20. Specific terms apply to the payment of deposits by international students and these are clearly detailed within the Fees and Finance section of the University website.

21. Any deposit you pay will be offset against the balance of tuition fees owed to the University as set out in the Fees and Finance section of the University website.

22. Requests for refunds of any tuition fee deposits paid will be considered and processed in line with the Admissions Policy (section 4.3).  

23. You are responsible for making any required payments to the University in line with specified timescales or deadlines as detailed on the University’s website in the Fees and Finance section. Payments may be in relation to tuition fees, accommodation costs, library costs, or other types of charges for items such as (but not limited to) application fees, fieldwork, specialist materials, supplementary instrumental tuition and annual continuation fees. Although in some circumstances assistance from University funds may be available to assist in meeting such expenditure, you shall have primary responsibility for payment. For more information about the available funding please contact the University’s Money Advice Team via:

24. Fees such as those in respect of tuition, field trips, graduation, transcripts, and other activities, are subject to revision. In deciding upon increases in tuition fees the University will take into consideration such factors as inflation, market competition, higher education funding policy and other external factors which may be out with the University’s control.

25. Your enrolment as a student of the University is conditional upon your tuition fees having been paid (or payments having been made as required in line with any agreement that has been established between you and the University to allow you to pay your tuition fees in installments), or satisfactory evidence has been produced that such fees will be paid by a sponsoring authority on receipt of the University's invoice.

26. You will be personally liable to pay your tuition fees if a sponsoring authority fails to do so.

27. If you are personally liable to pay all or part of your tuition fees, a range of payment methods will be made available to you.

28. In the event that your tuition fees have not been paid in full by the required date or in accordance with the University’s fee instalment scheme (details can be accessed from:, the University shall be entitled, but not bound to, refuse to permit you to continue on your programme of study and therefore terminate the contract.

29. The University may pursue legal proceedings in relation to non-payment of tuition fees. Additionally, if you are in debt to the University, the University may pursue legal proceedings in relation to this debt or may disclose information about you to credit reference agencies or other credit assessment, debt tracing or fraud prevention organisations. Furthermore, if you are in debt to the University (whether for tuition fees or other types of fees) you may be recorded as a debtor of the University in any references for you requested from the University.

30. If you are in debt to the University for tuition-fees, you will not be permitted to enrol for the next year of study until the debt has been paid. If you are due to complete your studies, and you are in debt to the University for tuition-fees in an amount of £500 or more, you will not be able to graduate you will not be able to graduate or receive any certification in respect of your programme of study (such as a transcript) until the debt has been paid. 

31. If you do not pay tuition fee or other types of fees by the relevant payment date, the University reserves the right to apply interest at a rate of 2% above the Bank of England base rate (calculated on a daily basis) from the date on which payment was due until the date on which payment is made. 

32. If you have any concerns regarding the payment of tuition fees or other types of fees, you should contact  at the earliest possible opportunity. 

33. Refunds of tuition fees or reductions in tuition fee liability will only be considered in line with the specified Tuition Fees Policy.


34. You have a statutory right to cancel the contract that you enter into with the University by accepting an offer of admission, and a place on a programme of study, and before you enrol as a student. The statutory cancellation period will expire at the end of 14 calendar days after the day you accept the offer of a place at the University. Any intention to cancel should be communicated to the University to the Admissions Team via:

35. If you have made any payment under the contract prior to the date of cancellation of the contract then the University will provide you with a full refund as soon as reasonably possible but in any event within 14 days of the University receiving your written notice of cancellation.

36. If you decide to cancel the contract after the points of enrolment and commencement of your studies with the University, you can do this in consultation with the University at any point. Cancellation after commencement of your programme may result in the loss of all or part of your tuition fee in accordance with the terms of the University’s Tuition Fee Policy which can be accessed via:  Fees and finance.

Programme Delivery and Enhancement

37. The University will deliver your programme of study with reasonable care and skill and as far as possible, in accordance with the description applied to it in the relevant prospectus/information resources (subject to clause 41 below).

38. The academic regulations and associated policies and procedures provide the regulatory framework that will underpin your programme of study.

39. Within the overall delivery of the programme, the University will explain the academic requirements of your programme, and the associated assessment arrangements to you. If your programme of study is online and you are based outside of the UK, this may include the University’s Policy on Examinations Overseas and therefore arrangements for taking exams in your home country. 

40. The University will review its programmes on an ongoing basis in order to continue to ensure the quality of its provision, and will make enhancements to programmes as it deems necessary in line with best practice and the requirements of relevant external policy and guidance including (but not limited to) the UK Quality Code for Higher Education which can be accessed via: Teaching on the University’s programmes will also be influenced on an ongoing basis by the research that also takes place at the University.

Changes to your Programme of Study

41. The University reserves the right to:

a. Vary the contents and delivery method of programmes, including but not limited to (a) the range of modules offered; (b) the replacement of face-to-face delivery with online alternatives; and (c) the examination and assessment methods and timings; where this is:

i. beneficial to the student learning experience; and/or
ii. beneficial to the quality, scope or outcomes of a programme; and/or
iii. necessary in terms of programme or module viability/delivery; and/or
iv. a requirement of a relevant external agency or body; and/or
v. necessary in order for the University to meet the requirements of a relevant external agency or body; and/or
vi. a legal requirement; and/or
vii. necessary, or the University reasonably believes that it is necessary, to protect public health, the health of University staff or the health of students.  

b. Alter the approach to methods of delivery of programmes such as the timetable, location, number of classes and methods and timings of assessments;

c. Discontinue programmes and merge or combine programmes; due to events outside the University's reasonable control or if the University considers that such action is reasonably necessary in order to appropriately manage its resources, pursue its policy of continuous improvement, comply with changes in law or comply with the instructions of the University's regulators or a professional body.

42. Where changes referred to in clause 41 are not significant, i.e. where they lead to changes to individual elements of a programme but do not lead to a substantive change in the overall content or method of delivery of a programme, the University will communicate the changes to students through standard means such as module descriptors and degree programme tables, as well as (where applicable) tailored communications to relevant students.

43. In the unlikely event that the University requires to (i) discontinue or not provide your programme of study; or (ii) significantly change the content of your programme, method of delivery or method of assessment of your programme such that the overall learning aims and outcomes of your programme are fundamentally different; or (iii) significantly change the location at which your programme is taught, and any such change may adversely affect you:

a. The University will notify you at the earliest possible opportunity;

b. If you request the University to do so, the University will seek to offer you a suitable replacement programme at the University for which you are qualified or if the University is unable to offer you a suitable replacement programme at the University it shall seek to refer you to a comparable higher education institution offering a suitable replacement programme;

c. If you do not wish to accept an offer from the University of a replacement programme or the University is unable to offer a replacement programme, you will be entitled to withdraw your application by notifying the University in writing;

d. In the event that you choose to withdraw, the University may make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid.

44. For the avoidance of doubt, the University opting to deliver a programme (or any element of a programme) and assessments via online delivery as opposed to face-to-face delivery due to the reasons detailed in clause 41 (a) (iv) to 41 (a) (vii) will not constitute significant change to that programme.  

Student Engagement and Feedback

45. It is your responsibility to engage with and fulfil all of the requirements of your programme of study and of being a student of the University on time and in accordance with the relevant policies, rules, regulations and expectations of the University. This includes all academic requirements, attendance and engagement requirements and expectations, the submission of course work and other assignments and attendance at examinations and other required events.

46. Your admission to the University of Stirling does not in itself guarantee your continued progression on your programme of study or the successful gain of your final award. Both progression and award are dependent upon your academic performance and attainment, and both may be impacted by any misconduct whether academic or non-academic.

47. The University will offer a range of opportunities through which you can provide feedback on your experience as a student.

Student Support

48. The University provides a range of academic and pastoral support services for students. Some services can only be offered at the University’s main campus in Stirling and the types of support that are available to you may therefore depend on your mode of study. More information about pastoral support services and information on how to access them can be found at Student Support Services, and specific details may be provided within information resources such as handbooks provided to you as part of your programme of study.

49. The University is committed to supporting all students throughout their studies and you are encouraged to contact the University directly to discuss any particular support requirements or concerns you may have including in relation to any:
a.    Disability;
b.    Medical condition that may affect your ability to engage with and fulfil the academic requirements of your programme; and
c.    Additional support needs you may have.


50. The Student Charter sets out the University’s expectations in respect to student conduct and can be accessed on our Student Charter page.

51. If you do not act in accordance with these Terms, the Student Charter, or any of the University’s Ordinances, regulations, policies, procedures, or codes, the University may take action against you under its relevant Ordinances, policies and procedures including (but not limited to): Ordinance 2, the Code of Student Discipline; and Ordinance 30, Exclusion or Suspension from University.

Withdrawal and Termination

52. The University reserves the right to withdraw you from the University if your academic performance does not meet the requirements of the University’s academic regulations both broadly and specifically in respect of progression, and/or if it is not possible for you to successfully complete your programme of study within the maximum allowable time limit of the programme.

53. The University also reserves the right to cancel the contract with you and withdraw you from the University if your conduct leads to the University requiring to take action in response where this action may include (but is not limited to), expelling you, under Ordinance 2, the Code of Student Discipline or terminating your studies under the Academic Integrity Policy/Academic Misconduct Procedure or a Fitness to Practice procedure.


54. The University maintains and operates a Complaints Handling Procedure in line with the model procedure published by the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). The procedure should be followed in a situation where you wish to make a complaint about the University. The Complaints Handling Procedure can be found on the University's website (


55. Whilst the University takes reasonable care to ensure the safety and security of its students whilst on the University's campus and/or whilst using the University’s services, the University cannot accept responsibility, and expressly excludes liability, for loss or damage to your personal property (including computer equipment and software). Students are advised to insure their property against the risk of theft and damage.

56. The University shall not be held responsible for any injury to you (financial or otherwise), or for any damage to your property, caused by another student, or by any person who is not an employee or authorised representative of the University.

57. The University shall not be liable for failure to perform any obligations under the contract if such failure is caused by any act or event beyond the University's reasonable control including acts of God, war, pandemic, terrorism, industrial disputes (including disputes involving the University's employees), fire, flood, storm and national emergencies, i.e. a Force Majeure Event. If the University is the subject of a Force Majeure Event, it will take all reasonable steps to minimise the disruption to your studies.

Intellectual Property

58. Intellectual property arising in connection with your studies at the University will be owned in accordance with the University’s Intellectual Property Policy.

59. As set out in this policy, in the case of work submitted for assessments, the University may:

a. submit the work to an external service for the purpose of checking for plagiarism or similar purposes and;
b. retain copies of work for administrative and private study or research purposes which may be made available to third parties for those purposes, and in accordance with applicable law. By accepting these Terms you agree that your work may be used in this way.

Data Protection

60. The University routinely gathers and stores Personal Data relating to prospective students, applicants and students at the points of application, admission, and enrolment and on an ongoing basis throughout the period of your studies at the University, in line with the nature and requirements of its work.

61. Personal Data is gathered and stored in line with the University’s obligations under data protection legislation including the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as retained by the laws of the United Kingdom following Brexit (UK GDPR). This means that confidentiality will be respected and that appropriate security measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised disclosure.

62. The University will use the information about you that you provide on your application form, either directly or via a third party, to process your application and communicate with you through the admissions process.

63. If you accept the University’s offer of admission, your personal data will be used by the University to monitor your performance and attendance, collect feedback, for management activities such as strategic planning, statistical analysis, equal opportunities monitoring, and in respect to statutory and required external reporting.

64. It is your responsibility to ensure the contact details that the University holds on record for you remain consistently up to date throughout your studies. Where any changes require to be made, you should make these changes via the University portal.

65. Next of kin information provided by you will be used by the University only in emergency circumstances where it is necessary for the University to advise your next of kin of the situation.  

66. The University may disclose student data to third parties in line with external and statutory requirements, including the requirements of external collaborations or partnerships with other educational institutions or providers. Any such disclosure of student data will be made in line with the parameters of the Data Protection Act (2018) and UK GDPR and the provisions made within the University policy on Data Protection.

67. Details of the University’s Data Protection Officer can be found in the University’s Privacy Notice

68. How, and the extent to which, the University will process your personal data is set out in the University’s: Privacy Notice; Data Protection Policy; Data Protection (GDPR) Guidance Handbook.


69. The terms of the contract between you and the University shall only be enforceable by you and the University.

70. The contract constitutes the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to its subject matter.

71. No failure or delay by the University or you to exercise any right or remedy provided under the contract or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

72. If any provision or part-provision of the contract is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the contract.

73. The University reserves the right to make changes to the regulations and policies referred to in these Terms as required from time to time. The University will give you reasonable notice of such changes and full details will be provided on its website.

74. These terms and conditions and the contract into which they are incorporated will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Scotland and the Scottish courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.